Portfolio Management
Our 17 Registered Portfolio Managers and over 100 Investment Advisors privately manage discretionary client portfolios for over 30,000 unique clients across Canada. With over 3 billion in assets under management, our growth has resulted from our dedication to client success and consistent profitability.

Investment & Estate Planning
From the wealth building stage to the intra-generational wealth transfer and succession stage, our registered Portfolio Managers and Advisors are experts in creating forward-thinking estate plans designed to maximize your legacy while minimizing estate costs and taxes.

Advisory Services
Our full-service brokerage business allows you to exercise complete transactional control over your portfolio. Our Canada-wide brokerage network of Advisors maintains the highest standard of qualification in the industry and will facilitate transactions based on your instructions.
Find a Research Capital Advisor
Our advisors recommend only the best investment options based on your objectives, without bias or proprietary pressure.
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We would love to hear from you.